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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Remember when Tom Petty was considered cutting edge? When he was breaking new ground in rock and roll? When a new album from the Heartbreakers raised people's expectations? When it mattered? It wasn't all that long ago. Even in the 1990's, TP was doing interesting things. Now he is playing the Super Bowl. It IS pretty cool to see this, but think about this: the NFL went to rock and roll for their Super Bowl half time show in the aftermath of the Janet Jackson-Justin Timberlake wardrobe malfunction, i.e. they wanted something safe, clean, and non-controversial. Acts like the Stones, Prince, and TP.

Have our standards of "wholesomeness" come to include rock and roll, the supposed soundtrack of rebellion and the counter culture? Or has rock and roll de-evolved to the point of being synonymous with "Up With People"? I suppose the truth is somewhere in the middle, but seeing Tom Petty at the Super Bowl is blowing my mind right now. He looks old, Christ, his roadie looks old. And where is Benmont Tench? Oh there he is, it was the full head of white hair.

Great, now he is on King of the Hill.

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