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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Its a start

Have you ever had the feeling that you are just too full of words, that there is an ocean of verbiage beating against your skull like waves beating on an earthen dam, ready to disintegrate the feeble obstacle at any time. That is how I am feeling these days. I would like to articulate intelligently, smoothly and easily, but I am often thwarted by my lack of coherence and my lack of attention, the words come painfully and and slowly. Sometimes I wonder if I have ADD. Well, this is my attempt at putting this down and seeing if I can get my head screwed on straight. I am trying not to be trite and inconsequential. The writing might be a little choppy, it is as close to extemporaneous as I can allow in my type A anal retentiveness, Jack Kerouac would not be impressed, as a matter of fact, Jack may just hand me a bottle and tell me to relax.

I hope this is interesting, I will also try to be timely. The topics will be whatever attracts my attention. It might be literature, music, sports, politics, philosophy, art, or current events. I don't know what I'll talk about until I talk about it.

As for the name of the blog. My handle for the last few years has been Phaedrus. First and foremost, Phaedrus was a Roman fabulist. He was also a character in Plato's dialogues. The conversation was between Socrates and Phaedrus, involving the nature of love and of rhetoric.

My Phaedrus comes from Robert Pirsig's anti-establishment novel Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Phaedrus is the protagonist and Pirsig's alter ego. I loved that book, it literally changed my life and inspired my love of critical thinking and the idea of quality. It made me a lot more thoughtful and perhaps less analytical and rational as I was trained to be as an engineer.

Anyways, I named the blod Phaedrus' Mind because Phaedrus is what I aspire to and this is my mind dump.